Brand personality is at the core of every great brand. From Innocent Drinks’ cheeky, irreverent language to BMW’s confidence, every brand has a personality dictating the tone of their language, imagery and style. That’s why, whenever I work with someone to define and create their brand, I start with defining the brand personality. Defining brand […]
Revisiting the Coldharbour Mill Museum brand
One of the things I love most about being a designer is seeing work I produce out in the real world. That’s why I was delighted to be invited to the opening of the Fox Brothers’ exhibition at Coldharbour Mill Museum: Not just to see the exhibition, but to have a look around the site […]
I Don’t Like Stephen King
I’ve never enjoyed any of Stephen King’s books. Something about his writing style strikes me as immature, the plot twists always seem predictable, and I can never relate to the main characters in the same way I do with other novelists’. I have friends who love his books, people whose literary opinions I trust and […]
The Importance of Difference or: Drowning in the Sea of Options
Decisions, Decisions, Decisions You’re faced with an unbelievable number of decisions every day. What are you going to wear? Will you need a jacket? White toast or brown? Jam or marmalade? Orange or apple juice? Tea or coffee? And all this before you’ve even finished breakfast! Some of these questions are easy; maybe the answer’s […]
Keeping your Brand Promise
Have you ever walked out of the cinema feeling let down? Did the film you had just seen completely fail to live up to the promises made in its action-filled trailers and hyperbolic advertising campaign? How would you feel if I told you that some of your customers had this feeling after using your Brand? Your Brand […]